
Monday 11 November 2013

The Voice Of The Mountain

The Voice Of The Mountain

Expert Author Tom B. Wright
What if you could ask an ancient being any question you wanted to ask?
I found out through gem digging exactly how possible it is to ask such questions. The key? To be quiet enough to receive the wisdom of the mountain.
This Earth is an alive, awake, and a very aware compilation of vibrant energy. Just think about how many beings get their life from this Earth. Billions upon billions upon billions. And they have done so for many, many, billions of years.
This would be the energy of aliveness, of life itself. If that energy did not come from The Earth, the only place we have to be alive upon, then where did it come from? Nowhere else, of that I can assure you.
This energy is vibrant, alive, full of magic and power. And it's oh so very real. Just try living for even thirty seconds away from what the Earth continually and freely offers to you. Tired of oxygen? Just quit breathing then! How's that working for you? Not so well? Then it might behoove you to start appreciating your only home more: Earth.
Why do this appreciation of Earth? Because if you don't appreciate the source of all you are, then what you are telling the Universe is that you don't want any more goodness in your life. I mean, if you are angry and upset all the time, you are telling life that it just doesn't cut it. Doesn't cut it? Life? Really?
So how do you start this appreciation process? By acknowledging all the incredible gifts you have in your life. In going gem digging for a few thousand trips up the mountain, it was so quiet in those remote locations for so long that all I could do was hear what my mind brought up there with me each time. And it wasn't pretty.
After a while, I was able to quiet down my mind, and in that silence the mountain spoke to me. It counseled me to slow down and appreciate each moment, in every day. And this Earth in its vastness took away my pain and replaced it with appreciation.
Now when I walk up the mountain, instead of an angry, resistant-to-reality being, I am an appreciative partner in this incredible journey of life. Each trip up the mountain has been laden with gifts of wisdom. Each one has been so fulfilling and powerful that I wanted to share this transformation with you, so that you too could benefit from the wisdom of the mountain.
And this is what these ancient Appalachian hills told me to do. Because in truth, such sharing with us is all The Earth ever does. Thank you, Earth. Our only home.
Tom Wright
Zen Gem can be found on Kindle and on my A Course In Shamanism site. Here's to your good living! My site is and Amazon Kindle is

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