$100K in 90 hours!
What – Am I crazy?
Well, I have been thinking, actually thinking a lot, especially after I saw a webinar hosted by David Wood called the $ 100 K formula. The concept discussed in this webinar is that you can build your business to $ 100 K per month AND if you take the right action you would be able to do this in 90 days.. This concept was really interesting to me BUT then a guy called Vick Strizheus arrived on the scene and he created an incredible income of $ 728 K in his first month.. ( You can read his incredible story hear. )..
NOW – this really made me think. Firstly if these guys could do it, would it be possible for me to do it? AND here is my REAL fascination and something I would like to test..
If it is possible to make $ 100 k on the internet with a 90 day plan, WHY would it not be possible to make $100K in 90 hours?
Here is the logic: In 90 days you are going to have marketing activities that would create a certain amoung of people interested in your business and if you condence that same activity down to 90 hours SURELY you should get the same result? Mmmm, Maybe, maybe not but now I am ready to explore this..
So here we go..
BUT here we are not talking MASSIVE RESULTS we are talking about RADICAL RESULTS..
So let’s start with this radical concept of $100K in 90 hours. Is it really that radical? It surely is possible if you look at Vick’s result if over $700k in a month. BUT the naysayers say, Vick had a huge list and successful internet business befor he started.. I don’t have that.. I am starting with nothing.. Cannot be done!
But then I thought – What IF I am wrong.. This is the Internet.. and let’s just think about it for a minute. If I set this as a goal, how could this be done?
Firstly WHY would I try to do it? We’ll- If this could work it would change EVERYTHING! – Yes, EVERYTHING because I could help people to solve their financial problems instantly. Yes, instant manifestation of real WEALTH. So the WHY is their and the WHY is BIG.. So let’s state our goal:
GOAL: To create a system with which we can create an income of $100k in 90 hours and then teach this system to others..
Now that we have this $100K in 90 hours goal let’s start looking at a possible strategy (Sceptics please bare with us
What would we need to achieve this goal and what resources do I have.
We’ll besides the ability to think and think BIGGER ( Reading Note: The magic of thinking Big ). I am fortunate to be an affiliate of Empower Network , so at least I have the right vehicle to make money with and make it fast.. Did I mention that making a$100k in 90 hours would be FAST?
Ok – So I am an Affiliate of Empower Network ( you can also join here ) and I have the suite of products that would be necessary to create the sales. Of course this is essential, not only would it be impossible to do without great products but could be a disaster if I sold a bad product and customers started complaining. So this is an extremely important item that needs to be ticked off.
The next step is that I need a set of tools to make the sales. As this is online, I would need webpages, a sales funnel, autoresponder system and a support team. Fortunately I have all of this in the EXTREME TEAM and it’s great leadership. ( thanks for the great support guys..).
Ok, NOW the real question: If I have the vehicle in place, the sales system and support in place. Can I create enough online traffic into this system to reach this goal of $100k in 90 hours?
Problem 1: I don’t have a big list and 90 hours is hardly a long time to build a massive list. So I am going to have to find someone else’s list to use. But where? Vick is not going to let me use his list. mmm..
Wait a minute…
I know someone with a really great list. Mark Zuckerberg has a list of 1.15 Billion users on Facebook.. ( Vick’s list are suddenly not that large anymore..). So I need a membership (fortunately I do have a page that you can like.) and then somehow figure out a way to ENERGIZE the other members by giving them a reason to join my vision.. mmm Maybe there is something to this.. AND then there is twitter and Google and Yahoo and the Whole Internet! WOW! I think this can be done!!
Ok, Ok — time-out, I don’t have to think of everything myself.. I can use the Empower Network training products to really help me with what I have to do. Fortunately I have all the products because I understand the “magic of all in” but that is another story. Let’s get focussed on some basics because I am so excited NOW that I want to get going.. the clock is ticking..
There are Daily Commitments that we teach in our team.
- Blog Daily
- Market Daily,
-Read Daily
- Listen to Audio training daily
So in 90 days you would have completed 90 blog posts, 90 marketing items, read a few books and listened to all the “Inner Circle” Audio’s.
So NOW i need to do this in 90 hours..
HOW on earth?
We’ll let’s think about it..
Blogging: – This need’s to be short but powerful because I need to create 90 blogposts that have value but I need one per hour. So I am going to need a plan. My first thoughts are Video’s but I won’t have time to make them – so need some thinking in this area..
Market every hour for 90 hours:- Here I have a few thoughts on placing ads and doing some other things for marketing.
Read hourly.. mmm. I need short impactfull reading material but I do have the perfect solution, Jim Rohn’s “Treasury of Quotes“.
The audios is going to be more difficult but my solution here is to listen to it all the time in the back-ground.. ( Multi-task.).
Another idea that just came to me is to break this down into chunks – SO i am going to first do a 10 hour action plan and then re-assess.. Let’s call it my first 10 hours to $10k plan..
Some more thought on the characteristics my activity needs to reach my goals..
Like I said I need RADICAL ACTIVITY to reach this RADICAL GOAL.. So my thoughts are ( I am thinking as I am writing this)..
- Leverage everything
- All content has to be Viral ( Social media friendly)
- Become a trend
- Make the news! ( How am I going to create news?)
-Build a team – get help!
- Every activity needs to be an income generating activity
- PROMOTE ENV2 ( I just typed this in as an after thought)..
Here is the Video:
So what would each hour of the first 10 hours look like.
5 Mins -Set an intention for that hour and spend 5 minutes of silence on this ( Yes, this is an income generating activity.)
20 Mins – Create a Blog post
20 Mins – Marketing activities
10 Mins – Read
5 Mins re-cap..
Ok, so let’s start our first 10 hours.. ( This will end at
Monday, 23 September 2013, 05:30:00 GMT ( when will I sleep?? I am in London.. )
The $100K in 90 hours deadline is:
Thursday, 26 September 2013, 13:30:00 GMT..
Do you think this can be done?? Leave me a suggestion or comment on Facebook or even better.
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