
Thursday, 19 December 2013

Daily Rituals of Success

Daily Rituals of Success

Have you ever thought about your daily rituals?
Are they the rituals of success?
In this Video, Tony Robbins explains why we need a daily Hour of Power

Enjoyed that Video?
If you feel empowered, I need you on my team.. Click this link to see how our team will help you succeed..

The Super Sneaky Magic Brain Hacking Formula

The Super Sneaky Magic Brain Hacking Formula

The most important determinant of your success is your mindset;
Online Marketing Master , Frank Kern shares more of his wisdom in this Video..
Watch and Apply..

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The 4 day Cash Machine

The 4 day Cash Machine

If you have not used this concept in your business it is something that I stumbled upon and can highly recommend..
It is another sneaky invention by Frank Kern..
Check it out in this Video

Monday, 16 December 2013

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Thank you - A Special Christmas Gift

Until midnight on Friday, 13 December I am having an incredible Offer for people joining our team
You get a Special Gift Xmas Gift just for joining.
A $25 Amazon Gift Voucher  ( for use on internet marketing material only, please :-) )

I'm holding this special offer as a way to say THANK YOU to all our subscribers and Fans
Here's where you can grab your Xmas Gift
Join us today and  get FIVE Free Bonuses!
If the Xmas Gift  ($ 25 Amazon Gift Voucher)  Isn't enough for you heading to
the special XMAS website, these FIVE
free gifts will surely do the trick.
* Bonus 1
“How To Earn $1,000 In  Your First Week In Empower Network”
One of our team leaders, Tony Rush, got started in Empower Network and used a very simple blueprint to earn over $1,000 in his first 7 days in the program…..and he got started with nearly no money and with no list.
This webinar outlines EXACTLY how he did it….so you can copy the method and create the same results.
* Bonus 2
Tony Rush's new "31 Days to Success eBook"
*Bonus 3
Craiglist Cash Cow- The Craigslist Profits Guide .
Simple Techniques for Pulling In Profits and
Building Your List Using
*Bonus 4

Social Media Slingblade -- Get All The Support And
Guidance You Need To BeA Rock Star In Social Media!
This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In
The World When It Comes To Cutting Your Competition
Down To Size With Social Media!

*Bonus 5
Google Plus - Inside This Easy To Follow 5 Day Crash Course You Will Be Introduced To The Power Google Plus & What It Can Do for You!

That's a lot of goodies... and you get it all FREE when
Join our team..

Monday, 9 December 2013

Sunday, 8 December 2013

How to Position Yourself

How to Position Yourself

If you are doing what 98% of other internet marketers are doing. Well if you want to learn how to position yourself for success, watch this great Video from Frank Kern on the subject..

Now ask yourself, Are you going to stay in the 98% of are you going to position yourself with the 2%?

Friday, 6 December 2013

How to fix forgot password on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

How to fix forgot password on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

If your'e an idiot like me you probably needed this Video..

And You might need this too:  - - - CLICK HERE

Stop being a Wussy and Start making money online!

Stop being a Wussy and Start making money online!

This Video by Frank Kern is just what I needed to get my thinking straight. This helped me tremendously so I  really help this helps you..

Stop being a Wussy - Link

 This is exactly what David Wood and David Sharpe has been telling us all the time.
Stop being a Wussy and start making money online!
 Are you ready to stop messing around and to get serious about your online business?


Masterminds, Nipple Grabbing & The Association Effect

Episode 7 - Masterminds, Nipple Grabbing & The Association Effect
Posted on 12/05/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe
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I just thought that title was hilarious, isn't it?
Over the past couple of days, I've had Dave Sharpe and several other important Empower Network people visiting my house for a week long mastermind.
Together, we've thought up some badass ideas that we're excited to share with you at the Miami event.
Ideas that I couldn't have thought up alone. 
Today I talk about synergy, the power of putting your mind together with other people to drastically multiply your powers and abilities...
...because 2 people's minds put together never output 2 people's thinking abilities; they MULTIPLY.
Watch the video, and pay close attention; because as you pay close attention you may realize something that you've never realized before now.
Something that's going to cause a shift inside.
Also - Dave Sharpe talking about the power of association, and some uncomfortable nipple grabbing (see video).
"Realize and focus on what you're good at, because those are the things that are going to make you successful" - Dave Sharpe.
Leave me your thoughts in the comments below, and answer the question from today's video.
- David Wood
P.S. Because you're on this page reading this blog post, it means that you're the kind of person who likes to mastermind and associate with powerful people. Which means you need to get to the Miami event - tickets in the members area. I'll see you there!
P.P.S. Re-blog this, share it with your list and 'get commissions' when people decide to join us after watching it (+ come back tomorrow for the next video).

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Core Influence - Frank Kern

Another great Video by Frank Kern..

By the way are you getting enough traffic to your website?

Click my Sneaky Link!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Dave & Dave's Costa Rican Rant

Episode 6 - Dave & Dave's Costa Rican Rant
Posted on 12/04/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe
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After arriving in Costa Rica for a week-long mastermind, Dave & I decided to get on camera togetherfor the daily video show.
Today's episode is about living your purpose and really, just connecting with people.
As people who are building businesses from home, it's important that we connect with people whoempower us.
...because sometimes, when you're building a home business, you can feel like you're doing it alone.
So I want to challenge you to connect with other people.
People with your best intentions in mind, people who challenge you to build something better andpush you forward in the direction of your dreams.
The kind of people who are inside Empower Network, the kind of people who attend the events.
Watch the video, let me know what you think in the comments below and come back tomorrow for episode 7.
See you tomorrow,
- Dave Sharpe
P.S. Re-blog this post, share it with your list and 'get commissions' when people decide to join us after watching it. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Power Of Unity

Episode 5 - The Power Of Unity
Posted on 12/03/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe
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Today, I decided to do something a little different...
Rght now we've got some of the most important people of Empower Network here in Costa Rica - for a week long mastermind.
For the entire week, we're putting our minds together to invision and dream up the future of Empower Network.
EXPANDING the vision...
...because there's something magical about putting your minds together with other people in a single, unified direction.
In today's episode, I talk about the power of unity, and how together - we can achieve new levels of greatness.
"It's more powerful to be unified, than it is to be perfect"
Decide now, to unify your vision with ours, because together - we can create ANYTHING.
Love ya,
- David Wood
P.S. Leave me your thoughts and comments below if you're PUMPED about the future of Empower Network.
P.P.S. Re-blog the video, share it with your list, and get commissions when people decide to join us after watching it.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Positive Affirmation Quotes

Positive Affirmation Quotes

Expert Author Tracie Delysia Wolter
A positive affirmation quote is, essentially, a request to the universe for the achievement of a hope, dream or desire and, importantly, this request is expressed with positive energy, expectancy and intent. Have you ever made a positive affirmation quote about your desires - for example, for abundance with money, love or even better health?
Whilst there are cases of instant successful results with positive affirmation quotes, generally it takes a while for the manifestation to build and become apparent in our lives. Achieving success with positive affirmation quotes can be a very slow process, and it requires persistent action to bring these into effect. One of the main reasons positive affirmation quotes are unsuccessful is that people turn these into conscious requests; thus, affirmations become simply wish-lists of desires in the cosmic order of the universe. At worst, many people at this stage see little or no result and simply give up.
Now, let me tell you something about positive affirmation quotes and the laws of attraction that most self-help books will not. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind must be inalignment in order for these to work, with the request matching the mind blueprint. The mind blueprint is held as data in the subconscious mind, and if the subconscious mind does not have similar data to the positive affirmation quote requested it will not assist us in moving forward with this request.The mind blueprint is developed during the comparative freedom of early childhood. As an adult, however, we become conditioned and attracted to self-doubts and limiting negative beliefs. These patterns of thought, held deep within the subconscious mind, contradict our mind blueprint and thus hold us back from what we truly want.Our thinking is a collection of vibrations. If repeated often enough, certain thoughts - both negative and positive - will have an impact on the human body's energy field (the aura, the layered field of magnetic energy around the body which is deeply connected to our mind and emotions). The law of attraction - the principle that 'like attracts like' - then comes into effect. We continue to attract the types of emotions that pervade our thinking, therefore bringing these into our reality. So, now that you understand how it all works... you may ask, 'How can I get what I want?'It takes a great deal of work for the request to be accepted by the subconscious mind - indeed, it requires daily repetitive statements with true emotion underpinning the words.
You can work with the repetition of positive affirmation quotes over time, or alternatively you can have a clinical hypnotherapist place the positive affirmation quote request in the mind blueprint. Using either method, you can achieve synchronicity and alignment of the two minds, bringing the laws of attraction into effect through the aura, and the request will manifest before your eyes.You have the power to do this - have faith in your capacity to change, seek help from professionals where necessary, and you can make your desires a reality.
Tracie Delysia is passionate about her career as a clinical hypnotherapist and trance spirit medium. For amazing information and insights check out Subscribe to "flick your psychic switch" to develop intuitive psychic ability.

Friday, 29 November 2013

10 Must Have iPad Apps

Enjoy that?

More videos soon..

Do you know everything your iPad can do?


Build an Online Empire

Get Money- The Holidays, Southpark, Burning Bodies & More

Episode 4 "Get Money" - The Holidays, Southpark, Burning Bodies & More
Posted on 11/28/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe
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Welcome back to episode 4.
Today's show is about nothing and everything at the same time.
Burning bodies, southpark, the holidays and dreaming. Dreaming of a better future, and doing thethings you want to do.
Most people don't take the time to think about anything.
They jump from one direction to another, letting life drag them all over the place.
Today I'm going to keep this short.
To everyone in the US, happy thanksgiving.
My message for you today is that you can choose to live how other people live, or you can go create your own life, you can go out into the world and create something unique.
You can make a decision now, to do something different by dreaming.
I want to challenge you to dream of a new future, to dream of a new life...
...because everything is possible, when you make a decision to take action.
So, my question for you today is - what's your dream?
Let me know in the comments below.
Love ya,
- David Wood
P.S. Let me your your thoughts and questions below, and make sure to come back tomorrow for episode 5.
P.P.S. After watching the video, click re-blog and share it with your list, getting commissions when people watch it and decide to join.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

FREE MLM Leads-by David Wood explains How he Generated 650,000 FREE Leads

FREE MLM Leads-by David Wood explains How he Generated 650,000 FREE Leads
Posted on 11/28/2013 By Peter Marais ( EXTREME TEAM)
Start getting FREE LEADS NOW - CLICK HERE  Learn how to generate your own leads for FREE.  
 David Wood teaches his FREE MLM leads system

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The Art Of Getting What You Want

Episode 2 - The Art Of Getting What You Want
Posted on 11/22/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe
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Welcome back folks...
To episode 2 of the 'show' we're starting here.
I want you to pay attention, because as you pay attention & watch closely you're going to learn something powerful inside today's episode - The Art Of Getting What You Want.
Now most people don't know how to get what they want, probably because they haven't gone through the $15k formula or attended an event.
In today's episode I talk about 'designing your life' through goal setting. Goal setting using mypersonal 6 step formula, the same formula I've used countless times to explode my income & transform my business (like clockwork).
It starts with setting an intention and making a decision...
...just like making a decision to watch this video, re-blog it and share it with your list - remembering that you can add your affiliate id to the end of these posts.
I'll see you in episode 3.
Love ya,
- David Wood
P.S. If you don't have the Viral Blogging Academy, login - get it now and discover the in-depth version of my 6 step goal setting formula.
P.P.S. Badass announcements coming in Miami, login and get your ticket now - see you there.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Majestic Creation Of My Unconscious Mind

The Majestic Creation Of My Unconscious Mind (message from Dave's new house)
Posted on 11/21/2013 By David Wood and David Sharpe Reblogged ByPeter Marais ( EXTREME TEAM)
Badass, isn't it?
This was my attempt at creating a kind of MTV cribs style video of my new headquarters (house) here in EscazuCosta Rica.
Let me know what you think of the new place.
Starting now, I'm going to be running a kind of 'show' from my house here, indefinitely - with people inside of Empower Network.
I want to teach you guys, something of value - daily.
What I'm going to do, is teach you how (for free) to create the lifestyle that you want to live.
I'm going to be bringing people out from all over the world, and interviewing them on how they create magical results (inside & outside of Empower Network).
Now pay attention as this is important:
If you're in Empower, I want you to:
  • Come to the blog every day (5 days/week) & watch the videos.
  • Re-blog the videos by hitting the re-blog button.
  • Leave me your thoughts & comments below.
Love ya, and see you in the next video.
David Wood
P.S. Pay close attention to the blog in the coming days and weeks - you're going to learn something of value every day.
P.P.S. Got your event ticket yet? If not, make a decision- login to the members area, grab your ticketright now and come hang out with us in Miami, I'll see you there.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Goal Achievement - 4,000 Times?

Goal Achievement - 4,000 Times?

Expert Author Gordon Bryan
November 7th 2013, and jump jockey Tony McCoy rides to victory on a horse called Mountain Tunes at Towcester race track. So what, you may ask. Well, it's not the horse or the track that's the goal achievement lesson...
That win was Tony McCoy's 4,000th win.
If you're not familiar with horse racing, that might not mean anything, but it's a milestone which is so far ahead of anyone else. It's jam packed with goal achievement, it oozes goal achievement, and as someone who loves both sport and goal achievement, how could I *not* write about it!
No-one else has ever ridden 4,000 jump winners. In fact the next best total is around 1,500 winners behind, which helps to put into perspective just how far out there McCoy's tally is.
He's been champion jockey for 18 consecutive years, and to stay at the top for so long requires so many characteristics - desire, endurance, focus, hard work.
He gets up at 6 every day, goes to bed at 11. He travels 75,000 miles a year to ride, often making 8 hour journeys to ride an unfancied horse.
To get to 4,000 winners, he's ridden 16,000 times, and has a fall every 16 races or so, so that's 1,000 falls - that's in a sport where the ambulances follow them around because it's so dangerous! Needless to say his medical history is littered with broken bones, and in fact he started the 2013/14 season 3 weeks late due to punctured lung and broken ribs.
His natural body weight is 168 lbs but to keep at his racing weight of 143 he maintains a regime of running, dieting and steam saunas. For 20 years! He turns 40 next year, but has no intention of retiring just yet, and his total of winners continues to rise.
Despite all his success, there was one prize which eluded him - The Grand National. There was a feeling that if he didn't win it, there would be a gap in his career, and he finally won it on his 15th attempt!
Regular readers of mine will know that sport gives such ready lessons in goal achievement, because the results are so easy to see, and I make no apology for continuing to write about a combination of 2 things I enjoy so much.
McCoy's 4,000 winners really is impressive.
Think to your own goal - are you prepared to put in the dedication? Are you focused enough? Are you in it for the long haul? Are you ready to put in the good old fashioned long term hard work to get there and stay there? Tony McCoy is ready to do it day after day as he has all these years, so why not use his latest milestone as a nudge to get yourself moving?
By the way, if you'd like more articles about the connection between sport and goal achievement, head over to my blog, where you can also find out how to make money from the subjects

Tony Robbins – Create a New Story

Tony Robbins – Create a New Story

Tony Robbins – Create a New Story : Unleash the Power Within is Anthony Robbins’ cornerstone weekend program: a crash course in taking massive action to change the quality of your life forever.

Continue reading….

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

NLP Principals for Success

You Have Limitless Creative Potential

NLP Principals for Success

Expert Author Matthew Giles Barnett
Within the field of NLP there are many varying techniques that we can use with clients to assist them in achieving their goals.
As with everything there are underpinning concepts and principals that are the foundation for achieving great results, and when the NLP 5 Principals for Success are 'taken on' and incorporated in our efforts, this can make the difference between, mediocre and excellent results.
The NLP 5 principals for success can be applied to any area of your life, and whilst they are fairly simple in isolation, the power of each of the steps you are about to learn about is undeniable when combined.
By simply following these five steps when embarking on a new project, learning a new skill, or setting out to achieve anything in your life you will begin to see excellent results, the results of winners and great achievers.
Remember that the core tenet of NLP is based on reproducing excellent behaviour and results, and all the successful individuals around the world in whatever field, utilise the 5 Principals for Success in one way or another even if they don't realise it.
And the good thing is that the processes these people run when achieving their goals can be learnt.
NLP 5 Principals for success
  1. Know your outcome - If you don't know where you are going how can you get there?
  2. Take Action - You wont get there if you don't get up and start
  3. Have Sensory Acuity - Be aware of what is working and what isn't
  4. Have Behavioural Flexibility - Things will change... adapt, amend and challenge your approach as needed.
  5. Operate from a Physiology and Psychology of Excellence - Understand and commit to the Cause Effect Equation. How would someone who has achieved your goal, look, act, speak and think?
As I mentioned you can use these principals in any area of your life, be it your Business & Career, your financial affairs, your health and well being and / or your relationships.
Naturally I go into these points in a lot more detail on my NLP training which I trust you will attend. But for now, why not take a moment to look at each area of your life and ask yourself? do I know what I want 'really' and how specifically? and then in each area, ask yourself, what can I do 'right now' that will be a step towards achieving that goal?
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' Lao-Tzu
Contact Matt Barnett on 01737 352159

3 Reasons Why Keeping A Journal Is Beneficial

3 Reasons Why Keeping A Journal Is Beneficial

Expert Author J Carlos Hidalgo
The older you get, the faster life seems to pass you by. You go from being the person hearing, " Wow, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you", to the one saying it. Reaching a major milestone seems to be the only way that people take the time to appreciate just how far they have come in life. Emotions, experiences, and memories come and go without a moment's notice. Just what happens to them all? Do they get stored in your subconscious, only to be remembered every so often?
These three reasons will show you why keeping a journal really is a great way to have all those old thoughts and memories just an arm's length away.
1) To Remember Great Ideas
Inventors, philosophers, and even music artists are examples of people who are constantly in need of new ideas in order to take their respective craft to the next level. Without these fresh sources of inspiration, they would idle and remain at a constant. This would heavily affect their work and limit them from adding creativity to whatever it is that they are doing.
The chances of you remembering something that you thought of earlier in the day are slim. There is usually just too much going on for you to possibly store everything that comes across your mind. It would be a shame to forget something that could have drastically improved the quality of your life.
2) To Measure Progress
All crafts, hobbies, and skills take time. Through practice and dedication, anything can be achieved. However, since the end goal is always at the forefront of your mind, it can be rather difficult to recognize progress in real time. By keeping a journal, you will be able to track your results as they appear and have something to keep you inspired and driven. You will then see where your major sticking points were throughout the process and figure out how to correct them.
In personal development, having a good mindset is crucial. This comes with the construction of good habits and beliefs, all of which can be forgotten if not consistently used and applied. Don't make the same mistakes time and time again. Instead, keep track of what did and didn't work so that you will have a better idea of how to prepare for future situations.
3) To See What You Are Capable Of
Keeping a journal requires you to be honest with yourself. As you write, you are displaying your true nature. Your language and the words chosen to represent your thoughts will reveal what you find possible for your future.
Looking back on these thoughts will show you all of the doubts and worries you once had. This will be proof that you are capable of overcoming obstacles/opportunities. You will then notice how your wording evolved from doubtful to a more self-assured form. Then anytime you think you can't do it, you will only need to pull out your journal and remind yourself that you already have.
Journals come in many different shapes and sizes. Little pocket sized field note booklets are perfect for carrying around with you all the time. Larger sized journals will probably be best for home use. Regardless of what your journal looks like, just using one of these reasons to keep one will surely benefit you in the long run. So start writing!
For more awesome content regarding communication, health, and insight visit, NoEndInsight. There you gain access to inspiring articles, videos, and more.

Keep Your Memory Sharp

Keep Your Memory Sharp

Expert Author Hazel Palache
You exercise not only to keep you fit but also to boost your strength. The other area that's important to exercise is your mind.
Physical exercise not only helps your body but is also a way to increase your memory so that you can stay focused and also keep your mind sharp.
Any kind of physical exercise is good for increasing blood flow to your brain which of course means that you enhance your thinking process. However, there are actually specific physical exercises you can do to get your mind working even more effectively.
When you do exercises that involve balance you are stimulating your memory because you require your mind to work to keep your body stabilized.
When you see athletes doing gymnastics this often takes a great deal of balance so their brain is constantly being stimulated to keep them from falling.
You might want to try include a balance ball when you exercise or you can even increase balance by standing in yoga poses on one leg.
When you are taking in larger amounts of oxygen, the blood flow to your brain becomes more efficient and also increases your lung capacity.When you are running or swimming it forces the body to take in more oxygen which then increases the blood flow to your brain.
If you find yourself forgetting things, think about doing some kind of regular exercise which will help your brain to function better and it will be able to store more information.
Learn to stimulate your brain in different ways. If you are right handed try playing tennis or golf with your other hand. If you write with your right hand change to writing with your left hand from time to time. When you challenge your brain this way keeps it from becoming complacent by forcing you to use your faculties in unusual ways.
Next time you shower or get dressed or even if you are making a bowl of cereal try doing it with your eyes closed.Your brain has to work much harder when you give it challenges and this keeps it sharper allowing you to stay more focused.
Mental activities are also very important for your brain to keep functioning at an active level.There's a technique called chunking that can be used to help with memory storage.
It works by using short-term memory to recall a certain set of numbers or ideas.For an adult, a normal memory range is about seven pieces of data.Once your mind reaches that number, new data just replaces some of the old.
You can use puzzles or crosswords to help your memory stay sharp.If you have a habit of forgetting people's names for instance, you can make up something that goes with their name and the next time you see them you will find it easier to remember who they are. When you make up pictures or silly mnemonics to go with information, your mind will often remember just based on the fact it was nonsense.Some people use this technique to remember directions or a series of events or even when giving a presentation.
Whether you are doing physical exercise or completing a crossword puzzle your brain will reap the benefits if you do something like this consistently. As with any other muscle, the more the brain is worked out, the stronger it will become.
Transformation Expert and certified coach Hazel Palache is the president of Your Stairway to Wealth and an Amazon, best selling author and motivational speaker. Additionally she is certified as a master clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and stress management counselor. Using the tools of NLP and hypnosis as well as her vast life and business experience, she teaches women 45 plus, how to let go of fear and doubt so they increase their self confidence and become empowered to live lives infused with financial freedom, more free time and more joy. For more information and to register for her complimentary E-Book, Lifestyle and Business Alchemy - 10 Steps to turn Mistakes into Success, visit

You Have Limitless Creative Potential

You Have Limitless Creative Potential

Expert Author Harry Hoover
Since humans swung naked out of the trees onto the Serengeti plains, we have been creative. We had to be. Look at us. Scrawny and hairless surrounded by big cats and other predators. If we had not used those big brains cockroaches would probably be at the top of today's food chain.
But many people don't believe they are creative. You are. You have limitless creative ability, but you must believe it to archive.
Research shows that everyone has creative abilities. The more training you have and the more diverse the training, the greater is your potential for creative output.
Additionally, it has been shown that in creativity quantity equals quality. In fact, the longer the list of ideas, the higher the quality of the final solution. Typically, the highest quality ideas appear at the end of the list.
The average adult thinks of three to six alternatives for any given situation. The average child thinks of 60. Why does this change as we mature? People stop believing in their creative abilities.
A Harvard Business Review (HBR) study of its database of 6,000 professionals who have taken the Innovator's DNA assessment further supports the supposition that you must believe in your creativity to make it so.
The study found that those who agree with the survey statement "I am creative" consistently create new businesses, products, services and processes that no one has done before. Because they see themselves as creative, they are. HBR data further suggests that if you change your "I'm not creative" mindset, you, too, can become more consistently creative. HBR has developed a simple, five question test to help you determine your creative mindset.
Answer these questions with a Yes or a No:
Associational thinking: I creatively solve challenging problems by drawing on diverse ideas or knowledge.
Questioning: I often ask questions that challenge others' fundamental assumptions.
Observing: I get innovative ideas by directly observing how people interact with products and services.
Idea Networking: I regularly talk with a diverse set of people (e.g., from different functions, industries, geographies) to find and refine new business ideas.
Experimenting: I frequently experiment to create new ways of doing things.
According to HBR, if you answered no to three or more of the questions you are most likely in the "I'm not creative" mindset. But you can change.
As cartoonist Hugh MacLeod says, "Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the 'creative bug' is just a wee voice telling you, 'I'd like my crayons back, please."
Let's get out our crayons - and our belief in our creativity - shall we?
Harry Hoover is a partner in My Creative Team. He has more than 30 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Duke Energy, Lowe's, National Gypsum, Nucor and Rubbermaid.