
Tuesday, 15 September 2015

How to stop your Internet Marketing Dream turning into a nightmare

 This is the story of how an Internet Lifestyle Dream turned into a nightmare..

Long, long ago.. Actually not that long ago, about 2 years ago .. I had a dream.. The dream of building an automated internet business where I could buy a system, push a button and Millions will jump out of my computer but… here is the warning..
Caveat emptor ( “Let the Buyer Beware ) – When you have a dream, the marketplace is there with a solution and not one solution but many solutions that will make your dreams instantly come true..
And Oh boy, did I sell these solutions to myself and did I spend money buying them..
Affiliate Programs, Product Launches, Lead Generation systems, MLM’s…. The Dream was fuelled by all the marketing and training material provided – “Just take Massive Action” – Boy, did I take action “Massive Useless Action”..
As Jim Rohn so eloquently stated: “ If you motivate and Idiot, You get a motivated Idiot”.. I have to confess, I was a very motivated idiot..
In reality this comes down to the sad fact that if you take Massive Action in the WRONG direction you get there very quickly indeed but even worse if you do not correct these actions, it leads to misery..
So here is what the Internet Nightmare Looks like ( Maybe someone can relate ).
The 124 hour plus work week ( Yes, I read the 4 hour Work week . )
Spending a small fortune on push-button software;
Jumping from Opportunity to Opportunity looking for the “Holy Grail”
Spending a Fortune on advertising; -every possible idea – Name it, I have the T-Shirt
Actually building a list and then trying to sell, sell, sell to them creating no sustainable relationship with them;
Creating Social Media Pages to “Advertise” my products;
Checking email every 7 seconds – ( The 7 second rule – “ If I don’t click on my email every 7 seconds I will miss something important..);
Creating a number of blogs and writing 100’s of blog posts to promote all of these opportunities..
etc. etc. etc..
The Real Effect of this Nightmare was that I spent all my time in front of my computer trying dig myself out of a hole ( while actually digging the hole deeper.. ); My lifestyle was a shambles ( I actually did all this while running another business ), I had not time to spend with my family, my lifestyle was not healthy at all ( sitting in front of a computer day and night drinking coffee..) and worst of all HOPING, DREAMING that things would change…
Reality check: Nothing will change unless I change.. I knew this, heard it many times but this is the problem with a Dream, in it’s nature it blinds you to reality and if you keep dreaming you NEVER smell the coffee.. I slowly realised ( very slowly – remember I was a motivated idiot ) that I am not checking my dream against reality.. Now this is strange for me because in my “real world business” I am a hard sceptic and would never make a mistake like this..but A DREAM is powerful and can blind any scepticism because really, a Dream like this is a wish for what we really want.. Now I am not saying that we cannot get what we really want but to get what we want we need a realistic plan.. A Dream is a “short cut” for the lazy person inside each of us..
So slowly the Dream became a Nightmare until, one day something saved me…
No – not some software code I discovered embedded in the pages of “The Secret” ( A program like this might be a best seller! )… No, what saved me is that I am a READER.. Yes, I have always read and through all this, even though I read much less than I used to, every now and then I read something.. And one day I read Rich Schefren’s, Internet Business Manifesto.. and it got me THINKING.. Fortunately it is still legal to think and when I really started to think about it, I realised what an amazing Idiot I have been ( yes, a very motivated one!)..
I finally saw that I acted like an opportunity seeker online and NOT like an entrepreneur..
My Dream shattered because it was flawed, I dreamed of the easy life ( like the buyer of every lottery ticket..). This is what the opportunity seeker Dreams of: EASY MONEY..
Whereas the Entrepreneur Dreams of Building a Business.. The Opportunity seeker is just that, a seeker and consumer of opportunities, the Entrepreneur is the Creator of Opportunity..
You can watch a video with the full story here:

To help others I have created a Free email training series that will take you step-by-step and teach you everything you need to build a proper online business.
Start here - It will not cost you a dime for this training: -

Monday, 17 August 2015

What women want

What women want - Age old question:

Who knows what women want, men certainly don't.

Here are the most common questions men ask about women.

- What do woman want from a man?
- What do a woman want in bed?
- What do beautiful woman want?
- How to approach the hottest woman

So let's see if we can answer some of these:

How to Approach Hot Women – by Kimberly Seltzer:

how to attract

Monday, 3 August 2015

The Ins-and-Outs of Passive Income

Passive income is a credible and viable source of income that is very possible for those willing to make it work for them. By definition, this source of income refers to a steady income received on regular basis that means just what it sounds like. It is income that that takes little effort to earn. The IRS recognizes this type of income, so it is therefore usually taxable. But paying taxes on money that wasn’t that difficult to earn can also just be thought of as a way of padding your own wallet.

This term also refers to several other types of money that can be earned with little or no effort. A perfect example of this would be owning a property and renting it out. The rent money that you receive from your tenants is a form of passive income. Along with rent money, there are other ways to earn this type of income, the most common one right now being the internet entrepreneurial way. 

The most usable information that can be found about this form of business is that you are able to earn money without having to spend the time to do to. Your time is valuable, and can be spent earning other sources of income; earning income passively is just another way of, well, making more money, easily. This source of income emanates from the fact that you don’t need to do work yourself. That work is replaced by automated systems that do the formulas, transactions, and cash flow processes for you, while you anything else. 

Another way of looking at passive income is to think of it as an investment. You do have to do the initial work of setting it up and making the systems work for you, but once you complete this process, you are free to sit back and watch your handiwork actually go to work for you. 

A great source of how something like this form of income works can be found in Tim Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Work Week. The title even gives you a sense for what’s ahead, and that concept of working a little at the start to bring in more money later is replicated by the earning model.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

How to make money with High Traffic Academy

High Traffic Academy: – How to make money

There is a lot of buzz about High Traffic Academy and the training program that is offered.
HTA 0r High Traffic Academy 2.o is the updated version of the original High Traffic Academy 1.0 launched a few years ago.
The best way for you to evaluate the program is to watch the FREE training Videos offered as an introduction;

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Amazing Selling Machine

About Amazing Selling Machine

Amazing Selling Machine (or “ASM”) is a proven suite of online training, software tools, and a private community that gives people everything they need to create their own successful physical product business.
This program has created TONS of success stories, including a former police officer making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month, to a “sandwich seller” from Brazil finally getting the freedom to travel.
Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback, founders of the Amazing Selling Machine have created 3 new training videos in which they will share some of their physical product business secrets.
Amazing Selling Machine, matt clark, jason katzenback

Monday, 13 April 2015

Brendon Burchard: – How To Deal With Stress:

How To Deal With Stress:

Here’s how to handle stress and become more peaceful, thoughtful and joyous:
1. Decide NOT to be a stress case. Are you allowing too much stress into your life? Keyword: Allowing. Most stress is not real and therefore you can make the intentional decision to not be as stressed anymore. In fact, most stress comes from one of two things: A false time crunch or making things more important than they really are. The truth is you have more time than you think to become focused, diligent, intentional and disciplined. Realize this, and stress melts away. Secondly, be willing to give yourself perspective. Ask, “How would my highest self view this? Remember: Whatever comes up, you got it. You can handle it.
2. Breathe: Most mental tension comes from physical tension, and taking in little sips of air leads to dealing worse with stress. Do this instead: Take in deeper breaths. Let your stomach out and allow it to fill up like a balloon with air. This will help you calm down. The deeper breathing you do, the more calm you can get yourself. Breathing is life; give yourself the gift of breathing it in.
3. Take A Walk: Leave your office or leave the house and go for a 20 to 40 minute stroll outside. When you are moving and breathing, this helps you open your mind and find more calm.
4. Get Organized: Most stress in our lives could be managed if we just organized it. Sometimes, just knowing that you are planning on handling something tomorrow at a specific time creates peace of mind now. Chunk out the hours of the day where you will move toward accomplishing those things that might be troubling you. When you get organized, you can better handle stress.
One of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime is to better handle stress. Starting right now, decide not to be as stressed as you were last year or the year before. In doing so, you become happier, calmer and more present in your life and you get to experience what we call The Charged Life!

The Arianna Huffington Case Study: How to debut no 1 on the NY best seller list:

How to debut no 1 on the NY Times best seller list, The Arianna Huffington Case Study:

n this episode of 10X Talk Dan and Joe discuss “The Arianna Huffington Case Study: What Genius Network Makes Possible In The World”. Here’s just some of the clarity and capabilities you’ll develop from listening to this episode:
* How Joe helped Arianna Huffington (founder of The Huffington Post) hit #1 on The New York Times Best Seller list
* Joe shares The Impact Filter he utilized to clarify his thinking and set up the right conditions for success
* The behind-the-scenes marketing capabilities Joe utilizes for reaching his goals
* How to get bigger and better results by utilizing networks of people who are great at what they do
* A Genius Networking tool for connecting with industry transformers and going 10x

Amazing Selling Machine now, Matt Clark

Matt Clark: – Amazing Selling Machine is now

Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback have just launched version 5 of the Amazing Selling Machine and with the re-branding to, the program just became so much better.
So what is this all about?

The 800lb. Gorilla gets bigger:

Saturday, 28 March 2015

How to get tons of traffic from Social Media

Social Time Master gives you the power to schedule multiple social posts quick and easy, without making it look like you’re spamming the social media.
Multiple social posts mean greater reach, higher chance for re-posting and re-tweets and as an end result – lot more traffic to your website.
Let’s see a hypothetical example, where you’re sharing to 5 social accounts. And we will review 2 scenarios – first we share the common way that almost everybody is using and then we share multiple times, using the power of Social Time Master.
Here are example results – hypothetical, but also quite real, based on our experience:

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to make money from your blog

If you are a blogger, your main goal should be to become an authority blogger.

 We have created this playlist of some of the best videos on this subject.
Blogging – How To Make Money From Your Blog
Blogging – Best Practices When Creating A Blog
Blogging – How To Write Better Blog Posts
Blogging – The Ultimate List Of Blog Post Ideas
Blogging – How To Find Writers For Your Blog
Blogging – How To Get More Blog Comments
Blogging – How To Cross Link Your Blog Posts
Blogging – How To Aggregate Content On Your Blog
Blogging – How To Write A Quote Post
Blogging – How To Build An Editorial Plan For Your Blog
Blogging – How To Create The Perfect Introduction To Your Blog Post
Blogging How To Write A Better Blog Post By Hiding An Easter Egg

Authority Blogging

Interested in creating your own authority blog: - Click Here

How to make money from Google

How to make money from Google [ pronto ]

or so George Brown says in his video below.  To try and rank on the first page of Google is the dream of every blogger and SEO expert because if you can master this you have a license to print money. Google will send you FREE search traffic. To do this, you not only need killer content but you also need a “killer system” and this is where George Brown and his “ Google Sniper” system comes in.

The Shift, a movie every Affiliate should see

Why every affiliate should see “The Shift”:

Have you asked yourself these questions?
– Why are you in internet marketing?
– Are you following your bliss / passion or are you just trying to survive?
If you are not aligned with your real self and are only doing this to make money, you will keep on with the BIG struggle. To be successful as an affiliate is no different to being successful in any other endeavor, you need to be true to yourself and your product and services should be designed to help people.
Ask yourself: – How is my business helping other people? How am I serving?:

Trapped in your business?

Stuck? Caged in by your business:

Maybe a short story will help.
Years ago a famous hunter from India went to Africa every year and every year he brought the most wonderful animals and other things back to India.
One year he went on his annual trip and when deep in the African jungle he came onto a place in the jungle where there was the most beautiful parrots he has ever seen. The hunter devised a trap, caught one of the parrots and took it home with him.
The hunter put the parrot in a cage and taught him to speak, fed him and really treated the parrot well. After a few years the hunter decided to go back to the place in the jungle where he captured the parrot. Before he left, the hunter asked the parrot “Is there any message you want to send your friends back home?” The parrot replied: “Tell them I am very happy, I live comfortable and my life is full of joy.”

How to focus on getting customers and making sales:

How to focus on getting customers and making sales:

What is the most important area that an Affiliate / Internet Marketer need to focus on? In our view it is the ability to make daily sales. If you are making sales on a daily basis then not only is your business going to be profitable but you are also building momentum for the future as you are now not just building a lead list but you are building an actual customer list 
There are a few steps that I follow to build my focus and I will outline my process below, which you can then follow.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to make a new Aliexpress (Ali baba) store

In 5 minutes and get REALLY FAST results.

This Plugin makes store for AliExpress (Ali baba) which gives you up to 50% commissions unlike a
Maximum of 16% in Amazon and 12% of eBay.
This is Set, Forget and Earn Recursively for lifetime Strategy which requires only 30 minutes per month
of work. ( so the salesletter says! ) Fact is that Ali baba is a great new opportunity and we suggest affiliates consider this.
Why do you need this ?

  • Up to 50% Commissions
  • Fast Results
  • Easy To Set Up in just 5 Minutes
  • Less Competition as compared to Amazon and eBay
  • Untapped Affiliate Market
  • Global Reach of AliExpress (Alibaba)
  • Ali Baba for whom store this plugin is made are Bigger than Amazon and eBay combined.

Monday, 23 March 2015

15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List, Affiliate Power

Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!
The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their ‘goldmine’ because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you’ve built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you’ve completed the first step and are on your way. Now it’s time to ‘mine’ for gold!
You can read more here from our friends at Affiliate Power

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Free Gift - Multiple Income Stream Turn-Key Cash Kits

Making money online comes down to having a "system" in place. All the big name "gurus"
have one (actually, they have several).

You need a system that will build YOU a list and turn them into buyers who pay YOU!

Well, that type of system is now available for_FREE, but only for a limited time.

I have arranged with a friend of mine to allow my readers access to his brand new
Turn Key Cash Kits membership site.

Download Your Free Cash Kits Here:

Here's what you get with your free_membership...

* Plug-in "re-brandable" list building websites to build YOU a list of targeted subscribers

* Info-packed "re-brandable" reports you give away after you brand them with YOUR name, YOUR website and YOUR affiliate links

* Follow-Up email sequence that warms up your new subscribers and encourages them to buy through YOUR affiliate links!

All the hard work has been done for you!

Simply sign up, download, plug in and watch your multiple income stream cash kits go to work for you.

There is even a section in the member's area on "how to get traffic" to your cash kits and "how to monetize" them EVEN more profit!

Claim Your Free Cash Kits Membership Here:

FREE Turnkey List Building Profit System!
Instant Access!
Turn Key Cash Kits
For a limited time, you can get FREE instant access to Stuart Stirling's Turn Key Cash Kits exclusive membership and...
"Plug In Your FREE List Building and Multiple Income Stream Profit System Without The Cost and Hard Work..."

Click Here For Free Access...

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Nobody targeting this giant of $238 billion and leaving upto 50% commissions on table

It’s been crazy seeing so many people making
e-commerce store using  Aliffiliate store builder
In 5 minutes and get results REALLY FAST.
This Plugin makes store for AliExpress (Ali baba)
which gives you up to 50% commissions unlike
Maximum of 16% in Amazon and 12% of eBay.
This is Set, Forget and Earn Recursively for lifetime
Strategy which requires only 30 minutes per month
of work.
This is perfect course for people planning for
passive and recursive income sources on minimalwork every month.
Why you need this ?
  • Up to 50% Commissions
  • Fast Results
  • Easy To Set Up in just 5 Minutes
  • Less Competition as compared to Amazon and eBay
  • Untapped Affiliate Market
  • Global Reach of AliExpress (Alibaba)
  • Ali Baba for whom store this plugin is made are
    Bigger than Amazon and eBay combined.
What’s Inside For You:
  • Aliffiliate Store Builder Plugin
  • AliExpress Premium Affiliate Starter Guide
  • Affiliate Cash Engine – Envato Affiliate Store Builder
  • Official – AliExpress Affiliate Media Kit 2015
Features of Plugin:
  • 3 Types of Product Import Options – Auto, Manual & Bulk Category Based
  • Product Synchronization on User Specific Time Interval.
  • E-Commerce shop in any currency
  • Auto Building Products directly through AliExpress
  • Product Short Codes – Add product directly to blog or page
  • Filter by commissions rate for setup only best in your site

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Open Letter to Facebook Readers

Open Letter to Facebook readers

  From the Desk of Peter Marais

 London To all friends, fans and followers.

 WHAT is it that you really want when you join a Facebook page? I have been watching the so-called “gurus” on Facebook to see how I also can get more fans and followers on this page which I have recently started But what do people really want to see on a page? The “Guru” recipe is as follows... 

  Click here to read full letter :See More

top secret