
Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Facebook mistakes that make you look like an idiot

The last thing anyone want’s to do, is to look like an idiot on Facebook:

a lot of people do, not because they plan to but because they make a few fundamental mistakes.
a. Making Offers on Facebook all the time.
Some marketers just cannot help themselves, they are so driven to make the next sale that they make offers on Facebook all the time and making these offers the wrong way. I have written a blog post on making offers on Facebook the right way which you can read here.
The main thing to understand is that people will only stay on your page if they are entertained, educated or find some other value from your page. Selling to them all the time does not add any value to your fan, it only asks for money. The secret is to provide tremendous value before asking for anything which means that you need to add engaging content to your page. A good rule of thumb is 1/10. Only one out of 10 pieces of content should be in the form of an offer. Think of television, they show you a few minutes of  advertising for every hour of content and most people still HATE those ads.  So keep selling to a minimum.
b. Not engaging with Fans
If your contents are not getting any likes, shares or comments then you need to re-evaluate what you are doing in terms of content. Ask yourself, what is a fan getting out of this page? Would I myself engage with this content? The most engaging content is surveys and questions. I am in process of compiling a list of engaging questions, which I will publish shortly. Also makes sure that your content has value to your fans e.g. If you are running a Fan site for sports, then fans want to see thing relevant to the specific sports. So you need to create content with stories about the teams, players and upcoming games. Please note that you don’t have to write everything yourself, content timely shared from other sites will help to keep your Fans happy.
Comments are the lifeblood of engagement. If you can get fans to comment, make sure that you comment yourself and are active on your own page. Once engagement gets momentum all you need to do is to set the ball rolling and engagement will follow. Remember this: An ENGAGED FAN is a HAPPY FAN.
c. Not building a list
This is a fundamental and sometimes fatal mistake people make on Facebook. If you are not building a list from your Fan page, then your are chocking off the lifeblood of your business and it will be very, very hard for you to make any money from Facebook. It is thus imperative that you build your list as this is the only real way tomake money from Facebook.
d. Not sharing your best content
To really differentiate you from your competition, you need to really push the line in providing value to your Facebook Fans. Share your best content with your Fans, don’t hold back. The more value you give and give and give, the more value your fans will give back to you over time. It comes down to the simple idea that you really need to care about and help your fans with the fundamental reason why they came to your page in the first place.
e. Lack of Passion
Look it is really easy, if you don’t really care – your fans will not care either. This comes back to the fundamental question, why are you in this specific business. If you are only in it for the money and not really passionate about it, then you should re-consider your business or niche. If you want to be a publisher, then you need to be passionate about publishing and then if you find a niche that does not really interested in but might look lucrative, then you need to find a content creator that is passionate about the niche.
I hope this post adds value to your Facebook business, please leave a comment below if it does.

How to make money with Facebook
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