
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Internet Lifestyle Nightmare – - A Horror Story

Internet Lifestyle Nightmare – - A Horror Story
This is the story of how an Internet Lifestyle Dream turned into a nightmare..
Long, long ago.. Actually not that long ago, about 2 years ago .. I had a dream..
The dream of building an automated internet business where I could buy a system, push a button and Millions will jump out of my computer but… here is the warning..

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Renegade Millionaire

Renegade Millionaire
By Dan Kennedy
The Not-So-Secret Recipe

In 1985, his father died, leaving behind a neighborhood tavern that was losing money and a mountain of debt accumulated keeping the joint open. John juggled it with the opening of a new, hopefully better business, a pizzeria.
It is the 3rd largest pizza chain, behind Dominos and Pizza Hut, with $3-billion in annual revenue. Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. John Schnatter aka. Papa John follows “characters” like Col. Sanders and Dave Thomas, fast food chain founders who became the iconic figureheads of their companies – themselves the key differentiator in a crowded field. An ingredient. But what are the other key ingredients?  How do you go from one tiny shop in a small Indiana town to a global empire and a personality brand everyone knows? This is the question everyone could ask themselves.

Since this is the day of casting the rich and successful as villains, an answer to that question is: luck + viciously profiteering from others’ misery; in John’s case, slavery i.e. low wage workers and selling poison that causes obesity. He was not unaware; he constructed his home to be deceptive, tunneling underneath, to hide his multi-car garage and movie theater. But then he slipped.  Here is how unfunny comedian Bill Maher reacted, after John made it known that a doubling of health insurance costs for the 80,000 employees in his system was an economic bomb they could not simply absorb:
“The filthy-rich founder of Papa John’s, John Schnatter said he’d cut his employees’ hours to avoid the costs of Obamacare. This is where I’d normally suggest boycotting Papa John’s, but that’s like telling people to boycott sadness. Nobody eats Papa John’s because they like it. They eat it because Dominos won’t deliver to crack houses.”

That wasn’t said in late night oblivion on cable. It was in Maher’s editorial in The New York Times. Schnatter has been dealing with an orchestrated, relentless political and media attack ever since hosting a Romney fundraiser and having a video go viral on YouTube in which Romney said: “Who would have imagined pizza could build this! What a home this is! What grounds these are! The pool! The golf course! If a Democrat were here, he’d say no one should live like this. But Republicans come here and say everyone could live like this.” In calling attention to John’s wealth, Romney turned the friendly, red shirted guy seen in his pizza places watching over quality, even delivering pizza himself – Papa’s in the house! into a red-eyed demonic money-grabber. Then, when John made a comment about the structural changes in employment Obamacare would force on his and countless other companies, the media pounced. His company’s #1 asset, his image, put at risk, and costly PR combat required. Fortunately, the average consumer is not all that dialed into these things, and if they have Papa on their speed dial, this too shall pass. But it speaks to the dangers in visible success.

Looking at anyone like John late in their story, when the mansions, the cars, the flashy donations (his, a 55,000 seat Papa John’s stadium at the University of Louisville), etc. have come, no one sees the ugly, grimy, fighting for survival beginnings, the flop sweat and sleepless nights wondering if this’ll be the week payroll won’t be met, the YEARS of sacrifice.

 So here is the real answer to how you go from a small shop to a global empire and earn your wealth. In 1985, John was out late at night, night after night, fishing soiled copies of customer lists and delivery notes from dumpsters behind Dominos outlets, so he could directly pursue those customers and persuade them to try his better pizza. (It reminds me of me, putting my lead generation cards under windshield wipers of cars in hotel parking lots where someone else was holding a seminar.)   You do whatever it takes. You do what no one else will do. You risk as others will not. You even steal – as this dumpster diving was theft; it’s said there’s a crime behind every fortune. You scrap and struggle and survive and find a way forward and upward. There is no other answer.

Click Here for your Free Gift for reading this..

DAN S. KENNEDY is a serial, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity-entrepreneurs, for former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up.  His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.

Click here for your Free Gift

Monday, 20 January 2014

Two Faces In The Mirror

Two Faces In The Mirror

Richard Branson, the already successful Branson, has had to close down businesses that were sucking money down drains with no end in sight. Arguably, he made bad decisions and bad investments. If he lives long enough and stays active, he’ll do so again.

Long after the big crash that almost did him in, the freshly, super-successful Trump has been involved with failed real estate projects in Vegas and in Mexico, been sued or threatened suit by investors, and more recently his licensing and speaking deal with the company using the Trump University brand has bitten him in the ass. Presuming another decade of active entrepreneurialism, these won’t be the last sour real estate projects or the last ass bite. 

Disney has, recently, bought companies it later, quietly killed. Put out John Carter From Mars and The Lone Ranger.  Completely screwed up its California Adventure theme park and has spent hundreds of millions of dollars re-tooling it. Examine almost any shiny success, and on its flip side, you’ll find grimy failure. How do you feel about that fact?

Zig told the story of the cat hat stepped on the hot burner, then not only wouldn’t ever jump on the stove again, but wouldn’t even come in the kitchen. This is  how most people feel about and react to failure, particularly embarrassing and humiliating or expensive failure. If they experience it once, they never want to go in the kitchen again. One punch in the nose is all it takes. The truth of success scares the shinola out of most people.

There are also, always, the exceptionally successful individuals who are, in various ways, failures personally. Houdini failed at almost nothing, except control of his own ego, which very directly caused his premature and unnecessary death. There’s a T-shirt being sold, with picture of Bill Clinton, that reads: “Remember when YOUR biggest problem in Washington DC was MY stain on a blue dress?” It’s funny, but it also speaks sadly of the stain on a smart and talented man. My friend Gene Landrum has written intelligently and eloquently about the dysfunction of the extraordinary achiever, and if you haven’t read any of his works, start with Profiles of Greatness.  Most exceptionally successful people are not even close to “superior” – in fact, most are horribly flawed, but manage to rise above their own foibles.

My own history includes a private graveyard of business failures and disappointing projects, most given the swift sword, a few dying slowly and agonizingly;  financial embarrassments;  and some number of people with permanent negative opinions about me. I am not universally beloved nor consistently and certainly successful. To hit some business highlights, going backwards, there has been mail-order ice cream (which sounds funnier than it is), a high-priced be-an-expert academy that failed to launch, a comprehensive how-to course for inventors no inventor wanted, a retail store: the Self-Improvement Center ahead of its time. Just these added together, a million bucks, give or take, down the drain, a bit noisily. There was, way back when, both a corporate Chapter 11 turned 13 and a personal bankruptcy. There are four business experiments underway now and I’m confident at least some will become tax losses buried in the back yard. Of more micro nature, were I to try and list and briefly describe all the mis-steps, mistakes, misadventures and misfortunes, it’d be best to do it like an old-fashioned encyclopedia, with a thick volume for each letter of the alphabet, the entire set consuming several shelves. And I’m not done making messes. I say: success is cooked up in a messy kitchen.

If your success game plan features being right 100% of the time and never making mistakes or your fragile ego demands never getting egg on its face, you’ll be playing the game for only a short time, timidly, and without distinction, or you’ll rise high and fast only to fall just as fast and crash as hard as can be. 

The ironic fact is, the game is won by losers.  If you aren’t floundering or outright failing at something, you probably aren’t doing much of anything. When you look in the mirror, if you don’t see a winner and a loser, the guy or gal you do see isn’t playing the big game.

You have heard the cliché: success breeds success. It does. But what you don’t often hear is the other, equal truth, that failure is the other parent of almost all success.  The goal of success can never be to avoid failure, but to manage it, minimize its harm, extract its lessons, leverage it in every way possible, rise above it, and know that it will be forgotten and made irrelevant in time. Everybody knows that Babe Ruth struck out more than he hit home runs. Most superstar athletes perform similarly. Michael Jordan missed more than 9,000 shots in his pro career. 26 times, he had the game winning shot in his hands, missed, lost. He said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life – and that is why I succeed.” By his own words, he acknowledges seeing two faces in the mirror.

NOTE: To receive $633.91 of free money-making marketing and sales information from Dan Kennedy and GKIC simply click the link below.

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DAN S. KENNEDY is a serial, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity-entrepreneurs, for former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up.  His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of GKIC Insider's Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.

What You Accept, You Get

What You Accept, You Get
Here’s a secret I’ve discovered about millionaire and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs: they want what they do and their companies do to be right. Not 80% right. Not 90% right. Right, period. They are, therefore, very much disliked by a lot of people, and if they are “big” enough, by the media. Jobs. Bezos. Trump. Working for them, many ex-employees say, was hell. But maybe it was being incompetent in their employ that was hell.

Winning isn’t just a statistic on a spreadsheet or a bank account balance. It is the customer, Mrs. Matilda Smith, in Rockford, Illinois, getting what she asked for on her pizza or the right product in the delivered package or a human answering her call in fewer than four rings. Customer appreciation is not a once a year sale or an automated thank you e-mail. It is an authentic attitude, top-down, permeated throughout an organization, actually occurring – and measured, policed and enforced – every day. I don’t care how big your company, if you don’t actually care about the people, the individuals, giving you money, they will drift off in search of a place where they feel valued and appreciated. 

Another secret about rich entrepreneurs: they don’t just seek success. They HATE failure.
They often react to it violently. Martha Stewart was known to drop into a K-Mart store, find her branded goods sloppily stocked and throw the entire inventory from shelves onto the floor. Eisner instantly fired a group of Disney Park employees caught not smiling. Walt had a fit over one’s lousy delivery of The Jungle Cruise script. I saw Trump tear an empty towel dispenser from a restroom wall in a Trump hotel and throw it 20 yards down a hall.

These people are said to terrorize their employees, their associates, their vendors. But how calmly should you accept failure?  Should you “stay calm and carry on”? Only if you want more of the failure you calmly accept. If your blood doesn’t boil and offenders see fire shoot from your eyeballs, your lesser response will be taken as permission. If there is failure and new training, new controls, new supervision is not installed as remedy, the “let’s TRY and do better” will be taken as permission.

There are places where incompetence as failure has dire and instant consequences. The jailer who forgets to lock the inmate’s cell or misses the razor blade in the body search may wind up quickly dead. It’s a fine object lesson for other jailers. The cruise ship captain who is busy texting  and gets into too-shallow water and capsizes and sinks the whole thing, and injures and drowns passengers, goes to prison. As it should be.

Creating dire and instant consequences for incompetence and failure is a good thing in any and every business. I’ve told of Chuck Sekeres’ “3 strikes and you’re out” for his in-bound telemarketers: three calls in a row without a set appointment, you’re out. Next batter up. No quarterly performance evaluations. Don’t even wait to be told. After 3, get up and slink out. Minute by minute. Drop three passes in a game, butt on bench. If possible, traded.  Fail at managing the V.A., the IRS and Benghazi, shouldn’t three strikes be enough?  They tried to impeach Clinton over one intern. I used the word RUTHLESS in my book title "No BS Management of People and Profits" because, damn it, we desperately need a lot more ruthlessness in a lot more places. In homes, in neighborhoods, in small businesses, in big companies, in government. You can start with you.

NOTE: To receive $633.91 of free money-making marketing and sales information from Dan Kennedy and GKIC simply click the link below.


DAN S. KENNEDY is a serial, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity-entrepreneurs, for former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up.  His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of GKIC Insider's Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

How to make lots of money forever

How to make lots of money forever

Like Frank Kern says: – ” Works well for me”..
So what if you really put your mind to it and built your own list of targeted leads AND you learn how to engage with these people, provide value to them and sell them stuff? Over and over and over again..
In this FREE Video, Frank explains how to do it. ( the last part of the video reveals the real secret..)

So did you enjoy that?
Building a list like this is the “secret” of how to make lots of money forever.
Just imagine for a moment ( close your eyes ) that you have a list of 1000′s of raving subscriber all ready to buy from you. How will this change your life?
You will be able to realize all those dreams. The house, the cars, the vacations, the educations for your kids etc. etc. Everything.. the whole enchalada.
NOW – Imagine if you build a list and build a business?
So why are you waiting?
“Because life is so brief and time is a thief when you are undecided” – Rod Stewart
We started this post with the question: How to make lots of money forever?

Monday, 6 January 2014

No Obstacle to Great

No Obstacle to Great

Once you understand the secret that Tony Robbins reveal in this video, you will realize that their is no obstacle on this planet that you cannot overcome..

Do you know how to overcome the obstacles holding you back in your online business?
The FREE Report below explains..

Saturday, 4 January 2014

How Rich Schefren Built His $10 Million Business

How Rich Schefren Built His $10 Million Business

I found this great Video by Rich Schefren on how he built his $ 10 Million Business;

Watch the Video and then CLICK this LINK to join Rich's FREE Webinar

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Join Rich's FREE Webinar - Limited time offer..

Learning from the Guru to the Gurus

Learning from the Guru to the Gurus

The internet marketing world has its share of superstars...
We call them gurus, for lack of a better term. Of course, I've never seen one wearing a long white robe and flowing beard. And as far as I know, the Beatles never sat at their feet.
However, they're gurus in their own right. Because they've achieved a level of success we all strive for.
But here's a question that always bugged did they get that way?
What was it that catapulted them from mediocre marketers to full-blown guru status?
How did they multiply their profits so quickly?
And how did they build a such a huge gathering a followers in only a few months time?

Say hello to the guru BEHIND the gurus...

For years, Rich Schefren has coached some of the biggest names in internet marketing to multi-million dollar status. And he did it all from behind the curtain.
That's correct--this guy is the secret weapon of gurus everywhere, showing them how to build their businesses and take their profits to the next level...and beyond.
And for a while, you had to pay thousands of dollars to pick Rich's brain for a few minutes. But now, he's opening the vault and laying his entire business-building blueprint out for you.
Inside the Internet Business Manifesto, Rich Schefren reveals the biggest problem you're facing in your business...and how to fix it.
Rich dives into the core of your business to show you exactly how to achieve the mindset of a successful entrepreneur and add several zeros to your bottom line...just like he's done for the guru community.
That's right--the same strategies and tactics Rich has used to transform everyday marketers into overnight sensations are all right here in black and white, just wilting for you to put them into action.
This is POWERFUL stuff, unlike you've ever seen before in a complimentary report. And it can literally change your business in the next few minutes.
You're ready for a change, aren't you?
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Of every report ever released in internet marketing history, Rich's Manifesto has made the most impact.
Over 100,000 people (and counting) have downloaded a copy, and many of these businesses have been transformed by what they read inside.
This is not old, rehashed stuff you've seen a hundred times. It's fresh, invigorating insights into what it REALLY takes to grow a successful internet business. And it could be yours right now just for the asking.

Also if you like this - get a copy of this Report as well:

Affiliate Marketers Manifesto

Affiliate Marketers Manifesto

If you have not read the Affiliate Marketers Manifesto , then you should without delay..
Have you been struggling in your online business?
Taking Massive Action with no Results? Jumping from Opportunity to Opportunity?


Please post your comments, after reading the document, below...