
Sunday, 23 June 2013

How to create magic in your business

How to create magic in your business

When I  say ‘magic’ I'm not referring to crystal balls, wizard hats, or other kinds of nonsense shenanigans.
I'm talking about results that defy any kind of normal explanation.
I'm talking about being in the right place at the right time – all the time.
I'm talking about the subjective experience of having the entire universe conspire together to help you create the results that you want.

I'm talking about doing every hour what used to take you 6 months.
I'm talking about recruiting the right reps every time, of sponsoring customers all the time, of all things working together for your good, so…
…to the outside, it appears as if you have magical powers.
How do you do that?


I call it ‘old man’ marketing.
Where you forget that you said what you said a minute ago, so you keep saying it, again and again.
It's where you forget that you sponsored 2 new customers yesterday, so today you get two new customers, too.
It's where you keep saying the same thing to your team, every day, and when they actually start doing it a year from now, you just keep saying it, only have new examples of success.
It's where you force the world to conform to the box that you create, by being more consistent than…
…the sun rising and setting.

And just like your team knows the sun is rising and setting, they know that:

You're going to write a blog post today.
That you'll be in Denver, screaming with 6,000 of us.
That you'll get two new customers today, too.
That you'll be here, in 5 years, that damned ‘old man’ online, repeating yourself…
…only more successful than now.
There's a lot you can learn from Grandpa :)

Get to Denver, you're going to see something magical, beyond description, that just makes it all…
…better :)

What did that have to do with this post?

Good question, We are curious to hear your thoughts at the event.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Video marketing - Are you losing out?

I am not sure how many of you are using videos to drive online traffic but using videos is a great form of viral marketing..

Videos are very effective because not only does people love to watch them, they also love to share them with others.

Have a look at the video below that went Viral on our Facebook Page..

Empower Network - Video ( Viral marketing at it's best.)
Using videos as a viral marketing tool is a great idea and Facebook really is a great way to share your videos and pictures for that matter..

Their is a simple formula I use to pull in 100's of Free leads per day using only my Facebook account and you can get access to it here.

The is only the start of using Empower Network Video marketing, there are literally 100's of other things you can do. All you need to do is let the creative uses flow a bit..

One of the secrets of Viral marketing is to leverage your content.

E.g. My Facebook Page has links to my Empower Network blog which in turns have links to my Personal Blog which links to our social network etc. etc..
Get the idea?

Empower Network - Video marketing is just the start. Why don't you start today?

Monday, 10 June 2013

How to get traffic for your blog

How to get traffic for your blog

Even though setting a blog can be a cheap thing to do, keeping your audience well engaged throughout and willing to read any new post that you write is not easy. For this reason, you need to think about ways to get traffic for your blog so that you can win the hearts of all your followers. For you to manage this, you must come up with content that is worthwhile to be read and have the capability of engaging all your readers and peers. •    First of all, you will need to be well planned and write content that is of a high quality. Blog visitors are interested with nothing else rather than the content you give them and if you give them crap, they will simply go to other blogs to seek for better content. •    Next, make it a habit to develop one post once in a while that is of exceptional quality. While you need to ensure that all your posts are of good quality to get traffic for your blog, you can dedicate a post for special people may be once in a week and write something catchy that will keep them wowed. Such a post should be written after researching extensively in order to portray you as an authority in the field. •     Make sure that you post consistently without missing. Your audience is always looking for new content and it would be very disappointing for them only to find that your blog only has year old articles. In short, to get traffic for your blog, you will need to be well organized and maintain a schedule when you will be posting and make sure that you don’t forget. Posting on daily basis is recommended as it will always ensure that your site will always have fresh content.
99 Ways To Flood Your Website With Traffic

Friday, 7 June 2013

Empower Network Online Success

Empower Network Online Success


Yes, Online success is about that - Thinking, planning and teaming up with the right people..
Have you been struggling for a while in your online business? Have you thought about, why this is?
If you really stop and think, you will realise that an online business like Empower Network has all the answers ready answered for you..
Empower Network Online Success - ( How can you take advantage of this )
To get your slice of the Empower Network online success you need to follow a structured plan of action.
A.  Join our team.
B. Get all the training products.
C. Apply the knowledge on a daily basis.
D. Show others how to do the same.
By joining our team. The EXTREME TEAM, you will be in a group of highly successful, highly motivated and professional online entrepreneurs AND they all started like you. If they can do it you can do it.

Empower Network online success can be for you. All you have to do is decide to START..

How do you get a blog to spit out money?

How do you get a blog to spit out money?


Here is a secret... Use the Juice! What is use the juice? We'll empower network is an authority site and you can get leverage for your content because of the fact that so many people are blogging on the site increasing it's authority. What does this mean? It means that if you put content on your Empower Network Blog – you are much more likely to get traffic.
 So if you have a blog it makes a lot of sense to join the Empower Network blogging system (Get it here for only $ 25) and use the Empower Network's power to increase the traffic to your blog.

How do you get a blog to get more traffic this way?

Copy your blogposts in your current blog to your Empower Network blog and link back to your own blog. This will increase your importance to search engines immediately. This give you three immediate ways to make more money. 
  1. You get more traffic to your original blog and this will increase sales of things you are offering on your blog now.
  2. You can sell the Empower Network platform to all your visitors on both blogs.
  3. You can also sell your current offers on the Empower Network blog.
What a concept! And you can do this for only $ 25 (What are you waiting for – get it here)..
Now, if you don't have a blog,

How do you get a blog that will spit out money if you don't have a blog?

Well it's easy - - Join Empower Network ( It is only $ 25 and you can get it here).. How do you make money with your new blog? There are two steps: 
  1. You need people to visit and read your blog;
  2. You can then sell something to those visitors;

How do you get a blog to attract visitors?

Well you need to write attractive content. So how do you start and what do you write about? Here are a few ideas: ( Tip: Go to successful people and see what they write about): You can write about: Yourself, your interests, hobbies, sports, your line of work, business, politics, fundraising, charitable interests. Etc. You can write about what you bought in shops lately, did you see a good show, read a good book or ate at a nice restaurant? BLOG about it. Be interesting, be entertaining and be yourself.. Now:

How do you get a blog to make money after you filled with your content?

There are many ways to monetise a blog but here are my preferred methods: 
  1. Become an Empower Network affiliate and sell the Empower Network products for 100% commissions ( This is the best way to monetise!) – JOIN HERE
  2. Join an affiliate program such as Amazon and write about products. If you read a good book, write about the book and add the Amazon affiliate link – If one of your readers like the book then they purchase the book. Amazon will pay you a commission.
  3. I also promote my main business ( an investment company) with my blogging efforts.
That's it.   So How do you get a blog to spit out money?  JOIN EMPOWER NETWORK now and follow the steps sit out above..

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Empower Network - Teamwork

Empower Network - Teamwork

Why would you consider joining a successful team when you are considering Empower Network..

Empower Network - Teamwork - why is it important?

Skills from many people are combined and teamwork and maximizes strengths bringing out the best in each team member.
Working together as a team will help each member to  achieve success faster and easier than working alone.
Members of a team  support each other and create new ideas together.

Empower Network -Teamwork - discipline and  accountability

Teamwork promotes a sense of achievement as team members encourage each other and create a feeling of connection and belonging.
Teamwork in a good team will always outperform an individual as the synergy builds momentum and propels everyone forward together.

So, if teamwork is important for your network success shouldn’t it be one of the key factors to consider when looking for a network marketing business to join?
That is why you should consider joining the EXTREME TEAM..
If you click on the picture above you can learn more about the extreme team..
or you can join the team now by clicking below.. Empower Network Teamwork is the WAY..
images (14)



Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Empower Network - Inspiration

Empower Network - Inspiration

Their are 3 people that have really inspired me and are keeping me inspired in my Empower Network business..

Empower Network - Inspiration ( Sean Stephenson ).

One of the most inspiring people I have ever seen is Sean Stephenson.
Here is a guy, born with a bone disorder, he stands only three feet tall, has fragile bones and are confined to a wheelchair.
He is a successful self-help author, motivational speaker and a therapist, giving advice on relationships..

Empower Network - Inspiration ( Jim Rohn).

I clearly remember the first words I heard from business philosopher, Jim Rohn. ( I had the privilege to attend a live seminar and meet Jim in Cape Town, South Africa in the late 1990's.
"For things to change - you have to change"
You can read this and other quotes in the Treasury of Quotes ( One of my prize possessions.)

Empower Network - Inspiration ( Nelson Mandela ).

When I first thought of writing a series of blog posts about inspirational heroes and how we can learn from them, the first person that came to mind was Nelson Mandela?
Are you having a bad day? How about spending 27 years in prison for you beliefs?
If you have not read Nelson Mandela's biography, Long Walk to Freedom, do yourself a favour and put it on top of your reading list.
Who inspires you?
Are you inspired to change your life?

Do you need more Empower Network Inspiration?

Tuesday, 4 June 2013



Ah - The "root of all evil" money! :-).... Seriously we all have questions about money, how to make money, how to spend money or how to invest money..
Our question here is how do we make money in our online business..


Money - How to make it online

The easiest way to make money online is by being an affiliate. An affiliate is someone who sells products as an agent for the manufacturer or created of the product. So, how does it work? Let me give you an example. I have read this great book on sponsoring people into my business called Magnetic Sponsoring - You will note that the word Magnetic Sponsoring is "underlined" and their is a link attached to it.. If you CLICK on the link it will open in a new page and if you then purchase Magnetic Sponsoring ( A very good idea if you are serious about building an online business), I will earn a commission.
Another great way to earn affiliate commissions is with the Amazon Affiliate program. You sign up with Amazon and you will earn money every time someone goes to Amazon through one of your links. You could for instance promote Fathers Day and have people click on the Amazon Fathers Day Specials link ( A great idea if you have not purchase anything for Fathers Day yet, Do it now by clicking here...) Get the idea?
Affiliate programs are great but your income as a percentage of your sales are relatively small, Amazon will pay you 4% -7% on product sales.
Enter our secret weapon EMPOWER NETWORK.
Money - Powerful Earnings with Empower.
With Empower Network you can earn 100% commissions - Yes, 100%. How? By selling Empower Network's Life Changing products.
The Empower Network blogging system that I am using here is only one tool you can use to earn money online with Empower Network.  Not only can you sell the products but you can build an international sales team and earn money on everything that they sell as well. What a powerful way to earn money.
So money, you can make it today with Empower Network.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Extreme Team - ( special training replay)

 Extreme Team -  ( special training replay)

Last night, The Extreme Team hosted a special mastermind for all Extreme Team members who were at the $15k Formula or Masters level.

If you are not a member of the Extreme team, yet - - JOIN HERE )

It was 2 1/2 hours of content.
No fluff.  No shenanigans.
Tony shared the EXACT thought process that puts over $120,000per MONTH in his bank account.

In fact, here's what a few of you had to say about it on Facebook:

Guys, do NOT miss the opportunity to watch this replay ASAP.

Here's how to watch it:

1.  Login to the Extreme Team training site at

2.  Click "$15k Formula Members"

3.  Click "June 2 Mastermind"

If you're not yet a member of the The $15k Formula, GET THAT NOW.

This webinar is worth the price of the entire you'll still get hours and hours of training from the top earners in Empower.... as well as qualify to earn $1,000 commissions!
AND you get to offer these same bonuses to your team members as well!

To purchase your $15k Formula, do this:1.  Login to Empower Network at  Click on "My Products"

3.  Click on "The $15k Formula"
That product will answer EVERY question you've ever had about generating leads for your business......and for converting them into sales!
See you on the INSIDE!
The Extreme Team

Again If you are not in the Extreme TeamSTART HERE NOW



Are you doing your homework to make your business a success?
What in the world am I talking about? Homework?
Yes, homework - things that you have to do to keep yourself on top of things and to consistency keep on learning.
You have a few things that you need to do on a daily basis to keep your business going..

Homework - Here are some things you need to do daily..

1. Blog every time ( Actually just blog all the time!)
2. Listen to the Inner Circle Audio.. ( What, you don't have the Inner Circle??)
4. Read Daily ( Here is some homework: - Read Magnetic Sponsoring )
5. Attend an online training event ( There is one right here for you..)
Doing your homework is just as important as it was when you went to school. Success in this industry is dependent on your personal development so the more you read, learn and develop the faster your income will grow.
Why not really do your homework and get yourself a complete education for your online business. You will find the best products in this industry by CLICKING HERE
So be serious about your business, do your homework and you will reap success

M lm m lm

M lm m lm

What is this?
This is funny but this is one of the most miss-typed phrases on the internet.
So why in the world is this the subject of one of my blogsposts?
We'll this little phrase, m lm m lm, is searched 246 000 times on the internet every single month AND
With the power of the Empower Network Blogging system this post will start ranking higher and higher on google - - What if?
What if I can get 10 000, 20 000 or maybe 100 000 visitors from this little phrase m lm m lm.

m lm m lm - Secret Mantra

This is my new little mantra m lm m lm - - meaning climbing higher and higher on google rankings..
I hope you understood that this little blogpost has just added tremendous value to your business if you understand the significance. The significance is that you can go out, find niche keywords and rank your blog high on Google..
So why don't you find your own little m lm m lm and grow your Empower Network business...

Brothers in Arms

Brothers in Arms

I went to watch the Mark Knopfler show in the Royal Albert Hall and he played one of my favourite songs of all times, Brothers in Arms,  the lyrics are below for those of you who does not know it..

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms
Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
I've witnessed your suffering
As the battle raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms
There's so many different worlds
So many differents suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones
Now the sun's gone to hell
The moon's riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But it's written in the starlight
And every line in your palm
We were fools to make war
On our brothers in arms
What does this have to do with Empower Network?

Brothers in Arms  - Empower Network

The song and the lyrics of brothers in arms remind us why it is better to do something constructive, building a business that could change and impact lives rather than wasting time or even worse being involved in destructive behaviour.
This music speak to our emotions and Empower Network also is an emotional business. A business in which we can all work together, build together and have an impact on the world.
Truly in Empower Network, We can be, Brothers in Arms..